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In January of 2021, Torrey Pacific Corporation (TPC) filed an application with the City of Encinitas for a 30-lot Density Bonus development with 27 market-rate units and three very-low affordable units (Density Hyperlink). This development is to be located at 1220-1240 Melba Road and 1190 Island View Lane with a single access road from Melba Road. Streets directly affected include, but are not limited to: Ahlrich Avenue, Bluejack Road, Crest Drive, Island View Lane, Oceanic Drive, Scarlet Way, Witham Road, Wotan Drive and, of course, Melba Road. Two neighboring churches and four schools will also be directly impacted by this development.


Shortly after attending TPC’s virtual Citizen Participation Program (CPP) meeting on January 15, 2021, a group of concerned residents formed MASHE (Melba Alliance for a Safe and Healthy Environment). MASHE members are made up of dedicated volunteers who live near the project and whose neighborhoods will be severely impacted by this development.


MASHE is an organization of volunteers whose mission is to influence the proposed Torrey Pacific development in ways that preserve the unique character, environment, and safety of the surrounding neighborhoods.








Ensure the City requires an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

Please visit EIR.

Minimize traffic impact by providing feasible alternatives to the current plan. Please visit Traffic.

Ensure Toxic Soil Contaminants from Staver greenhouse use are professionally and thoroughly evaluated and removed from the development site. Please visit Soil Contaminants.

Ensure the project does not make existing drainage and stormwater problems more severe and cause additional property damage. Please visit Drainage and Storm Water.

Minimize the impact of the development on old growth trees and wildlife habitat. Please visit Trees and Habitats

Ensure that the Project does not clash with established neighborhoods.  Please visit Neighborhoods Character.

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